Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Birthday !!!!!!!!

YYYYEEEESSSS!! febuary 11th is my day! No I did not celebrate my b-day on the 11th, yet that doesn't mean I did not hve an awesome partaaayyyy!!!! On the 12th I got Hannah, Carley,
Sarah Clouse, Samantha Eilers, Bailey and Khrystal. We all went to the mall all day in a sweet ride!!( Thanx Chriss and Kara!! ) Then all my friendz ( mentioned earlier) slept over though we didn't really get the whole sleeping concept. The next day was sad because we all had to take my friends home. FROWNY FACE!!!!! G2G!!

-Samantha Noftle

Sunday, February 1, 2009


O MY GOLLY GOSHNESS! im so excited! 1. my b-day is on the 11th 2.i have a valentines day dance in my middle school gym( my 2nd dance of the year!) 3. the dance is on my b-day! as i said earlier, O MY GOLLY GOSHNESS! aren't i so super-duper luckey!!!! well g2g!!!!!!! (got 2 go!!!!)
Lot's of Love This special Holiday!!!
- Sammi